Unix/Linux enhancements

Following is a list of Unix and Linux enhancements introduced in SQL Anywhere version 11.0.0.

  • Controlling the permissions for temporary files   In previous releases, temporary files created by the database server and client were created with global read, write and execute permissions. You can control the permissions for temporary files by setting the SATMP environment variable to a directory with the desired permissions. See SATMP environment variable.

  • SELinux support   SELinux policies control an application's access to system resources. You can use the default policy on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 with SQL Anywhere, but SQL Anywhere is not secured when it is run this way. SQL Anywhere now includes a policy that secures it on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5. You must compile and install the policy for it to work. The policy source code is provided as part of your SQL Anywhere installation.

    For information about compiling and installing the SQL Anywhere SELinux policy, see install-dir/selinux/readme.

  • Applications menu items on Linux   When installing SQL Anywhere 11 on Linux, you can choose to create Applications menu items.

Mac OS X enhancements
  • Encryption now supported on Mac OS X   RSA communication encryption is now supported by both the database server and clients on Mac OS X. For information about using strong encryption, see Introduction to transport-layer security.

  • HTTPS now supported on Mac OS X   HTTPS communications are now supported by the database server on Mac OS X. For information about using HTTPS, see -xs server option.