Sybase Central and Interactive SQL behavior changes and deprecated features

Following is a list of changes to Sybase Central and Interactive SQL introduced in version 11.0.0.

  • Database tool launcher executables are easier to redeploy   The launcher executables for the Sybase Central, Interactive SQL, the Database Console utility, and the MobiLink Monitor are now easier to redeploy. Registry entries and a set directory structure for the location of the JAR files are no longer required. Each executable needs to have a corresponding filename.INI file in the same directory (with the same name) as the filename.exe file. The .INI file contains the details on how to load the tool. See Deploying administration tools.

  • OEM.ini [help] section no longer supported   The [help] section in the OEM.ini file is no longer supported. For more information, see Configuring the administration tools.

Sybase Central behavior changes and deprecated features
Interactive SQL behavior changes and deprecated features
SQL Anywhere Console utility behavior changes
MobiLink Monitor behavior changes