UltraLite behavior changes and deprecated features

Following is a list of changes to UltraLite introduced in version 11.0.0.

Deprecated platforms
  • The UltraLite C++ interface no longer supports the Symbian OS. Developers of UltraLite applications for Symbian should use UltraLiteJ. See Introduction to UltraLiteJ.

  • The UltraLite .NET interface no longer supports the .NET 1.0 component. The .NET 1.0 API reference has been removed from the documentation.

UltraLite for Appforge is not supported in version 11.

Database properties

The following database properties have been deprecated in this release:

  • CollationName

Connection parameters

The following UltraLite connection parameter has been deprecated in this release.


Removed utilities

The Migrate C++ Applications Wizard is no longer available in Sybase Central.

Removed, deprecated, and modified functions
  • The ULGetPublicationMask function in the ESQL interface is removed (publication masks have been replaced by publication lists).

  • Functions ULgetLastDownloadTime, ULResetLastDownloadTime and ULCountUploadRows in the ESQL interface have changed syntax to reflect the change from publication masks to publication lists.

  • In the M-Business Anywhere API, the following are deprecated: DatabaseSchema.getTableCountInPublications, DatabaseSchema.SYNC_ALL_DB, DatabaseSchema.SYNC_ALL_PUBS, PublicationSchema.getMask, SyncParms.getPublicationMask, and SyncParms.setPublicationMask.

  • In the M-Business Anywhere and .NET APIs, the following methods used to accept a publication mask as a parameter. That parameter has been changed to a publication list (string). The affected methods are in the Connection class: countUploadRows, getLastDownloadTime, and resetLastDownloadTime.

  • The ul_sync_info structure has changed: the fields disable_concurrency, checkpoint_store and table_order have been removed. These options are now specified in a new field named additional_parms that contains semicolon delimited keyword-value pairs.

  • Running a second instance of CustDB   In previous versions, running a second instance of a CustDB application, would cause an error. Now, if you start a second instance of CustDB, the first instance is now brought to the foreground and the second instance exits.