Behavior changes and deprecated features

Following is a list of changes to QAnywhere introduced in version 10.0.0.

QAnywhere client changes
  • Client message store ID has changed   The client message store ID is now a MobiLink remote ID. Previously it was a MobiLink user name. You do not have to register a remote ID with the consolidated database. However, you still need to register a MobiLink user name with the server message store. If you do not specify a MobiLink user name, it defaults to the client message store ID.

    New qaagent options have been provided to manage your MobiLink user names. See:

  • New ODBC drivers   The iAnywhere Solutions ODBC drivers for connecting to Adaptive Server Enterprise and DB2 server message stores have changed.

    See Changes to ODBC drivers used by MobiLink, QAnywhere, and remote data access.

QAnywhere Agent changes
  • qaagent -port is removed   The -port option specified a port number on which QAnywhere Agent listened for communications from the Listener. This option is no longer required and has been removed. A free port is automatically used.

  • qaagent -la_port is replaced   The -la_port option has been replaced by the -lp option.

    See -lp option.

  • qaagent -push_notifications is renamed   This option is now called -push. It now allows you to enable push notifications with or without persistent connection.

    See -push option.

  • Changes to policy defaults   The default policy is now automatic. Previously it was scheduled. The default schedule interval is now 900 seconds (15 minutes). Previously it was 10 seconds.

    See -policy option.

  • Transaction log is not used or maintained   The QAnywhere Agent no longer uses a transaction log or manages its size. As a result, for most applications the client message store should be created using the dbinit -n option, which initializes the database with no transaction log.

    See Setting up the client message store.

Other QAnywhere changes
  • Server-side property files are deprecated   Instead of storing properties in files, you now store them in the database.

  • getPropertyNames   The getPropertyNames function has been removed from the C++ client API. It has been replaced with beginEnumPropertyNames, nextPropertyName, and endEnumPropertyNames.

    See QAMessage class.

  • Date handling in transmission rules   The following transmission rule message store variables have been removed:

    • ias_CurrentDayOfWeek
    • ias_CurrentDayOfMonth
    • ias_CurrentMonth
    • ias_CurrentYear

    In their place, you can use ias_CurrentTimestamp or DATEPART.

    See Rule variables.

  • QAnywhere Central replaced   QAnywhere Central has been replaced with the QAnywhere plug-in to Sybase Central. The plug-in provides many enhancements in functionality.