SQL Remote behavior changes

Deprecated and discontinued features

The following is a list of features that are no longer supported or are deprecated, and that may impact existing applications.

  • SQL Remote for Adaptive Server Enterprise deprecated   In the next major release of SQL Anywhere Studio, SQL Remote for Adaptive Server Enterprise will not be present. MobiLink provides a more flexible and scalable solution for data synchronization between Adaptive Server Enterprise and Adaptive Server Anywhere databases.

Other behavior changes

The following is a list of behavior changes from previous versions of the software.

  • The Extraction (dbxtract) utility   When extracting a remote database with dbxtract, if the -q option (quiet mode) is specified, you should also specify the -y option so that dbxtract will automatically replace the existing command file without confirmation.

    See Extraction utility (dbxtract).

  • IPM_Receive message control parameter   The default value for the MAPI IPM_Receive message control parameter has been changed to YES. Setting this value to YES ensures that both IPC and IPM messages are picked up by SQL Remote.