Programmatic interfaces

Following is a list of enhancements made to programmatic interfaces in SQL Anywhere version 11.0.1.

  • New ASP.NET providers   The following new ASP.NET providers mimic the functionality of the standard ASP.NET providers, but store their data in a SQL Anywhere database rather than in a SQL Server database:

    • Memberships   Allows logging in and out, managing users and their password

    • Roles   Allows assigning users to groups, allowing simple and easy permission management

    • Profiles   Stores user variables

    • Web Parts Personalization   Manages the storage of Web Parts data, allowing users to personalize their view

    • Web Events   Works with Health Monitoring to store flushed web event information in the database for the purpose of logging

    See SQL Anywhere ASP.NET Providers.

  • New support for Ruby   SQL Anywhere now supports the Ruby open source programming language. See SQL Anywhere for Ruby.

  • OLE DB now supports CATALOGS and SCHEMATA rowsets   The CATALOGS and SCHEMATA rowsets for OLE DB are now supported. Since SQL Anywhere does not support the notion of catalogs the SQL Anywhere OLE DB provider returns a result set for CATALOGS containing all currently started databases, and their locations, instead. Likewise, for SCHEMATA, the database name is used as the catalog in the result set.