Behavior changes and deprecated features

Following is a list of changes to MobiLink introduced in version 10.0.1.

MobiLink plug-in to Sybase Central
  • Add Table Mappings wizard is removed   New functionality has been added to Model mode to add new tables to the remote database schema.

    See Modifying table and column mappings.

  • Default dbmlsync batch file improved   When you deploy a MobiLink model, you create a file called model-name_dbmlsync.bat. Previously, the default dbmlsync command in this file included the -qc option, which closed the dbmlsync window after synchronization. This meant that it was difficult to determine whether the synchronization was successful. The -qc option is now removed from the default dbmlsync command line.


The TLS utilities readcert, gencert, and reqtool have been deprecated. They are replaced with utilities called createcert and viewcert. See: