
  • Connections persist across hibernation times   Connections from embedded SQL, ODBC or OLE DB clients now persist while a computer hibernates. Previously, TCP/IP connections between a client and a server on the same computer would be dropped when the computer was woken from hibernation if the computer hibernated for longer than the liveness or idle timeout time.

  • Viewing current license information   The dblic utility now accepts an argument that allows you to view current license information for a server executable without starting the server.

    For more information, see Server Licensing utility (dblic).

  • Viewing collation label and name for custom collations   The dbinfo utility now returns the collation label and name for custom collations. As well, two new fields, collationnamebuffer and collationnamebufsize, have been added to the a_db_info structure in dbtools.h.

  • sp_remote_tables system procedure   A new argument, tabletype, has been added to the sp_remote_tables stored procedure. This argument returns the remote table's type.

    For more information about the tabletype argument, see sp_remote_tables system procedure.

  • -ct command line option   Using the -ct command line option, you can turn character set conversion on and off. Character set conversion is now enabled by default, and to turn it off, you can specify -ct-. To turn character set conversion on, use -ct+.

  • Obtain remote table foreign key information   Two new stored procedures, sp_remote_exported_keys and sp_remote_imported_keys, allow you to obtain information about foreign keys and their corresponding primary keys for remote tables.

    For more information, see sp_remote_exported_keys system procedure and sp_remote_imported_keys system procedure.

  • xp_sendmail   There are now extended stored procedures for sending email over SMTP as well as MAPI. For more information, see xp_startsmtp system procedure and xp_stopsmtp system procedure.

    The xp_sendmail stored procedure now accepts messages of any length. The length of the long VARCHAR parameters for the procedure is limited to the amount of memory available on your system.

    For more information, see xp_sendmail system procedure.

  • Replication Server 12 feature for the log transfer manager   The qualify_table_owners parameter in the LTM configuration file provides support for the Replication Server 12 feature allowing the table names, owners, and column names in the primary databases to be different from the replication databases.

    For more information, see The LTM configuration file.

  • ASANYSH8 environment variable   A new environment variable, ASANYSH8, has been added. Interactive SQL, Sybase Central, the Adaptive Server Anywhere Console utility, and the debugger use this environment variable to located the shared components directory.