Tutorial: Using JMS connectors

A JMS connector provides connectivity between a JMS message system and QAnywhere. In this tutorial, you send messages between a JMS client application and a QAnywhere client application.

Required software
  • SQL Anywhere 11

  • Java Software Development Kit

  • A JMS connector

Competencies and experience

You require:

  • Familiarity with Java

  • Basic knowledge of configuring your JMS connector


You gain competence and familiarity with:

  • Configuring your JMS connector to communicate with a sample QAnywhere application

  • Sending messages between a JMS message system and a sample QAnywhere application

Key concepts

This section uses the following steps to provide connectivity between a JMS message system and QAnywhere using a SQL Anywhere sample database:

  • Preparing your JMS connector to send and receive messages

  • Running the QAnywhere server and client components, and the JMS client

  • Sending a message from the QAnywhere client to the JMS client, and vice-versa

Suggested background reading

For more information about using JMS connectors, see Connectors.

Lesson 1: Set up client and server components
Lesson 2: Send a message from a JMS client to a QAnywhere client
Lesson 3: Send a message from a QAnywhere client to a JMS client
Tutorial cleanup