-si option

Initializes the database for use as a client message store.

qaagent -c "connection-string" -si ...

None. You only use this option once, to initialize the client message store.


Before using this option, you must create a SQL Anywhere database. When you use -si, the QAnywhere Agent initializes the database with database objects such as QAnywhere system tables; it then exits immediately.

When you run -si, you must specify a connection string with the -c option that indicates which database to initialize. The connection string specified in the -c option should also specify a user ID with DBA privileges. If you do not specify a user ID and password, the default user DBA with password SQL is used.

The -si option creates a database user named ml_qa_user and password qanywhere for the client message store. The user called ml_qa_user has permissions suitable for QAnywhere applications only. If you do not change this database user name and password, then you do not need to specify the pwd or uid in the -c option when you start qaagent. If you change either of them, then you must supply the uid and/or pwd in the -c option on the qaagent command line.


You should change the default passwords. To change them, use the GRANT statement. See Changing a password.

The -si option does not provide an ID for the client message store. You can assign an ID using the -id option when you run -si or the next time you run qaagent; or, if you do not do that, qaagent, by default, assigns the device name as the ID.

When a message store is created but is not set up with an ID, QAnywhere applications local to the message store can send and receive messages, but cannot exchange messages with remote QAnywhere applications. Once an ID is assigned, remote messaging may also occur.

See also

The following command connects to a database called qaclient.db and initializes it as a QAnywhere client message store. The QAnywhere Agent immediately exits when the initialization is complete.

qaagent -si -c "DBF=qaclient.db"