-idl option

Specifies the incremental download size.

qaagent -idl download-size [ K | M ] ...

-1 - no maximum download size.


This option specifies the size in bytes of the download part of a message transmission. Use the suffix K or M to specify units of kilobytes or megabytes, respectively.

When the QAnywhere Agent starts, it assigns the value specified by this option to the ias_MaxDownloadSize message store property. This message store property defines an upper bound on the size of a download. When a transmission is triggered, the server tags messages for delivery to the client until the total size of all messages reaches the limit set with this option. The server continues sending batches of messages until all queued messages have been delivered. Transmission rules are re-executed after each batch of messages is transmitted so that if a high priority messages gets queued during a transmission, it jumps to the front of the queue.

Messages queued for delivery that exceed the download threshold are broken into multiple smaller message parts. Each message part can be downloaded separately, resulting in the gradual download of the message over several synchronizations. The complete message arrives at its destination once all of its message parts have arrived.

The incremental download size is an approximation. The actual download size depends on many factors beyond the size of the message.

See also