WSBase members

Public constructors
Member name Description
WSBase constructor

Constructs a WSBase instance with the properties specified by a configuration property file.

WSBase constructor

Constructs a WSBase instance with default properties.

Public methods
Member name Description
ClearRequestProperties method

Clears all request properties that have been set for this WSBase.

GetResult method

Gets a WSResult object that represents the results of a web service request.

GetServiceID method

Gets the service ID for this instance of WSBase.

SetListener method

Sets a listener for the results of a given web service request.

SetListener method

Sets a listener for the results of all web service requests made by this instance of WSBase.

SetProperty method

Sets a configuration property for this instance of WSBase.

SetQAManager method

Sets the QAManagerBase that is used by this web service client to do web service requests.

SetRequestProperty method

Sets a request property for webservice requests made by this WSBase.

SetServiceID method

Sets a user-defined ID for this instance of WSBase.