QAMessage members

Public properties
Member name Description
Address property

The destination address for the QAMessage instance.

Expiration property

Gets the message's expiration value.

InReplyToID property

The message id of the message for which this message is a reply.

MessageID property

The globally unique message id of the message.

Priority property

The priority of the message (ranging from 0 to 9).

Redelivered property

Indicates whether the message has been previously received but not acknowledged.

ReplyToAddress property

The reply to address of this message.

Timestamp property

The message timestamp.

Public methods
Member name Description
ClearBody method

Clears the body of the message.

ClearProperties method

Clears all the properties of the message.

GetBooleanProperty method

Gets a boolean message property.

GetByteProperty method

Gets a byte message property.

GetDoubleProperty method

Gets a double message property.

GetFloatProperty method

Gets a float message property.

GetIntProperty method

Gets an int message property.

GetLongProperty method

Gets a long message property.

GetProperty method

Gets a message property.

GetPropertyNames method

Gets an enumerator over the property names of the message.

GetPropertyType method

Returns the property type of the given property.

GetSbyteProperty method

Gets a signed byte message property.

GetShortProperty method

Gets a short message property.

GetStringProperty method

Gets a string message property.

PropertyExists method

Indicates whether the given property has been set for this message.

SetBooleanProperty method

Sets a boolean property.

SetByteProperty method

Sets a byte property.

SetDoubleProperty method

Sets a double property.

SetFloatProperty method

Sets a float property.

SetIntProperty method

Sets an int property.

SetLongProperty method

Sets a long property.

SetProperty method

Sets a property.

SetSbyteProperty method

Sets a signed byte property.

SetShortProperty method

Sets a short property.

SetStringProperty method

Sets a string property.