Users in the Contact sample

The Contact sample includes several different database user IDs and MobiLink user names.

Database user IDs

The two remote databases are assigned to the sales representatives Samuel Singer (rep_id 856) and Pamela Savarino (rep_id 949).

When connecting to their remote database, both users use the default SQL Anywhere user ID dba and the password SQL.

Each remote database also has a user ID sync_user with the password sync_user. This user ID is employed only on the dbmlsync command line. The sync_user has REMOTE DBA authority, and can perform any operation when connected from dbmlsync, but has no authority when connected from any other application. So, using the sync_user ID and password should not be a problem.

At the consolidated database, there is a user named mlmaint, who owns the tables for monitoring MobiLink synchronization statistics and errors. The mlmaint user has no right to connect. The assignment of the tables to a separate user ID is done simply to separate the objects from the others in the schema for easier administration in Sybase Central and other utilities.

MobiLink user names

MobiLink user names are distinct from database user IDs. Each remote device has a MobiLink user name in addition to the user ID they use when connecting to a database. The MobiLink user name for Samuel Singer is SSinger. The MobiLink user name for Pamela Savarino is PSavarino. The MobiLink user name is stored or used in the following locations:

  • At the remote database, the MobiLink user name is added using a CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement.

  • At the consolidated database, the MobiLink user name and password are added using the mluser utility.

  • During synchronization, the MobiLink password for the connecting user is supplied on the dbmlsync command line listed in MobiLink\Contact\step2.bat.

  • The MobiLink server supplies the MobiLink user name as a parameter to many of the scripts during synchronization.

  • The SalesRep table at the consolidated database has an ml_username column. The synchronization scripts match the MobiLink user name parameter against the value in this column.