Synchronizing sales representatives in the Contact sample

The synchronization scripts for the SalesRep table illustrates snapshot synchronization. Regardless of whether a sales representative's information has changed, it is downloaded.

See Snapshot synchronization.

Business rules

The business rules for the SalesRep table are as follows:

  • The table must not be modified at the remote database.

  • A sales representative's MobiLink user name and rep_id value must not change.

  • Each remote database contains a single row from the SalesRep table, corresponding to the remote database owner's MobiLink user name.

  • download_cursor   At each remote database, the SalesRep table contains a single row. There is very little overhead for the download of a single row, so a simple snapshot download_cursor script is used:
    SELECT rep_id, name
    FROM SalesRep
    AND ml_username = ?

    The first parameter in the script is the last download timestamp, which is not used. The IS NOT NULL expression is a dummy expression supplied to use the parameter. The second parameter is the MobiLink user name.


This table should not be updated at the remote database, so there are no upload scripts for the table.