Lesson 4: Test synchronization

UltraLite comes with a sample Windows client that automatically invokes the dbmlsync utility when the user issues a synchronization. It is a simple sales-status application that you can run against the CustDB consolidated database you started in the previous lesson.

Start the application (Windows)
To start and synchronize the sample application
  1. Click Start » Programs » SQL Anywhere 11 » UltraLite » Windows Sample Application.

  2. Enter an employee ID.

    Type a value of 50 and click OK.

The application automatically synchronizes and a set of customers, products, and orders are downloaded to the application from the CustDB consolidated database.

Add an order (Windows)
To add an order
  1. Click Order » New.

  2. Enter a new Customer Name. For example, enter Frank Javac.

  3. Choose a product, and enter the quantity and discount.

  4. Click OK to add the new order.

You have now modified the data in your local UltraLite database. This data is not shared with the consolidated database until you synchronize.

To synchronize with the consolidated database and trigger the upload_insert event

A message appears indicating one Insert successfully uploaded to the consolidated database.

Further reading

For more information about the CustDB Windows Application, see Exploring the CustDB sample for MobiLink.