Introduction to .NET synchronization tutorial

This tutorial guides you through the basic steps for using .NET synchronization logic. Using the CustDB sample as a SQL Anywhere consolidated database, you specify simple class methods for MobiLink table-level events. The process also involves running the MobiLink server (mlsrv11) with an option that sets the path of .NET assemblies.

Required software
  • SQL Anywhere 11

  • Microsoft .NET Framework SDK

Competencies and experience

You should have:

  • familiarity with .NET

  • basic knowledge of MobiLink event scripts


You gain competence and familiarity with:

  • utilizing .NET class methods for MobiLink table-level event scripts

Key concepts

This section uses the following steps to implement basic .NET synchronization using the MobiLink CustDB sample database:

  • compiling the CustdbScripts.dll private assembly with MobiLink references

  • specifying class methods for table-level events

  • running the MobiLink server (mlsrv11) with the -sl dnet option

  • testing synchronization with a sample Windows client application

Suggested background reading

For more information about synchronization scripts, see Introduction to synchronization scripts.