
The following scripts are defined in the ULCustomerIDPool table:

  • download_cursor  
    SELECT pool_cust_id FROM ULCustomerIDPool 
       WHERE last_modified >= {ml s.last_table_download}
         AND pool_emp_id = {ml s.username}

  • upload_insert   The upload_insert script for CustDB is as follows:
    INSERT INTO ULCustomerIDPool ( pool_cust_id )
       VALUES( {ml r.pool_cust_id} )

  • upload_delete   The upload_delete script for CustDB is as follows:
    DELETE FROM ULCustomerIDPool
       WHERE pool_cust_id = {ml r.pool_cust_id}

  • end_upload   The following end_upload script ensures that after each upload 20 customer IDs remain in the customer ID pool:
    CALL ULOrderIDPool_maintain( {ml s.username} )

    The UL_CustomerIDPool_maintain procedure for CustDB is as follows:

    CREATE PROCEDURE ULCustomerIDPool_maintain ( IN syncuser_id INTEGER )
      DECLARE pool_count INTEGER;
      -- Determine how many ids to add to the pool
      SELECT COUNT(*) INTO pool_count
        FROM ULCustomerIDPool
        WHERE pool_emp_id = syncuser_id;
      -- Top up the pool with new ids
      WHILE pool_count < 20 LOOP
        INSERT INTO ULCustomerIDPool ( pool_emp_id )
          VALUES ( syncuser_id );
        SET pool_count = pool_count + 1;
      END LOOP;