MobiLink provides a variety of ways to develop an application. You can use these methods in alone or in combination.
Create Synchronization Model Wizard The wizard walks you through the development of your application. You start with a central database that has schema, and you can create remote databases and the scripts needed for synchronization. The wizard can also create shadow tables on your consolidated database to handle things like download deletes. When the wizard completes, your synchronization model appears in Model mode, where you can further customize it. There is a Deploy Synchronization Model Wizard that creates databases and tables, updates the MobiLink system tables, and creates scripts that run MobiLink utilities.
Once you have deployed a MobiLink model, if you have further customizations to it you have a choice of making the changes in Model mode or making the changes outside the model, using one of the methods described below. If you make changes outside the model and you redeploy the model, you lose the changes.
See MobiLink models.
Sybase Central Admin mode The MobiLink plug-in for Sybase Central includes a section called Admin mode where you can update all the elements of your MobiLink application.
See Model mode.
System procedures When you set up a central database to operate as a consolidated database, system objects are created that are used by MobiLink synchronization. These include MobiLink system tables, where the server side of your MobiLink application is largely stored. They also include system procedures and utilities that you can use to insert MobiLink scripts into your MobiLink system tables, register remote users, and so on. See:
Direct manipulation of MobiLink system tables Advanced users may want to add, delete, and update data in the MobiLink system tables directly. Doing so requires an advanced understanding of how MobiLink works.
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