Configuring server-side settings using the Notifier configuration file

Server-side settings can be stored in a Notifier configuration file. You can use this file to configure multiple Notifiers, gateways, and carriers.

Creating and configuring a Notifier configuration file

A Notifier configuration file can be created using a text editor, or it can be generated from property and event settings exported from Sybase Central. See Configuring server-side settings using Sybase Central.

To view the layout of a typical Notifier configuration file, open the samples-dir\MobiLink\template.Notifier template file, where samples-dir is the location of your SQL Anywhere 11 samples directory. The template file provides examples for configuring server-side properties and events.

When you have configured the necessary settings, save the Notifier configuration file and load your server-side properties and events into the MobiLink server.

Common properties syntax
Property = Value
Notifier events syntax
Notifier(NotifierName).Event = \
# Replace this text with SQL script.           \
# Be sure to put a backslash (\) at            \
# the end of every line of code                \
# if your event requires multiple              \
# lines of text.
Notifier properties syntax
Notifier(NotifierName).Property = Value
Gateway properties syntax
# For Device tracking gateways:
DeviceTracker(DeviceTrackerName).Property = Value
# For SMTP gateways:
SMTP(SMTPName).Property = Value
# For SYNC gateways:
SYNC(SYNCName).Property = Value
# For UDP gateways:
UDP(UDPName).Property = Value
Carrier properties syntax
Carrier(CarrierName).Property = Value
Loading a Notifier configuration file

To load a Notifier configuration file into the MobiLink server, run mlsrv11 from the command line with the -notifier option specified. For example, to use the server-side settings defined in a CarDealer.Notifier configuration file, run the following command:

mlsrv11 ... -notifier "c:\CarDealer.Notifier"

If a file is not specified, the config.Notifier file is loaded by default.

For more information on the mlsrv11 -notifier option, see -notifier option.


If you want to use the default SYNC gateway, you cannot store server-side settings in a Notifier configuration file. You must store them in the ml_property system table using an alternative method. See MobiLink server settings for server-initiated synchronization.

Using escape sequences

The backslash ( \ ) is the escape character. The following is a list of common escape sequences that you can use in a Notifier configuration file:

Escape sequence









Carriage return


Double quote ( " )


Single quote ( ' )


Backslash ( \ )



Unicode escape sequences are of the form \uXXXX while ASCII escape sequences are of the form \xXX, where each X represents a hexadecimal digit.

When editing a property or event that requires multiple lines of text, add a single backslash character ( \ ) at the end of each line.