Listener keywords for Palm

The following list of keywords can be used to configure message handlers created with the dblsncfg -l option. For more information about Listener keyword usage, see -l option.

Filter keywords

Use the following keywords to filter messages in a push notification:

Keyword syntax Description

Filters a message if the subject is textually equivalent to subject-string.


Filters a message if the content is textually equivalent to content-string.


Filters a message if the entire message is textually equivalent to message-string.


Filters a message if it begins with message-string.


Filters a message if it is send by sender-string.

Action keywords

Use the following keywords to initiate an action when a filter condition is met:

Keyword syntax Description

Specifies an action command. See Listener action variables for Palm.


Specifies an alternative action command that is initiated when the action command fails. See Listener action variables for Palm.

Action and Altaction keywords

An action is specified when you configure a new message handler. When a filter condition is met, an action is initiated. If the action fails, an alternative action is initiated. Actions are defined using the action keyword; alternative actions are defined using the altaction keyword.

You can only specify one action per action or altaction keyword. If you want an action to perform multiple tasks, create a batch file that contains multiple commands and run the file using the RUN action command.

The Listener configuration utility supports the RUN program arglist command, where program is the name of the program to run, and arglist is an application dependent string.

The following example shows how to use the Listener configuration utility to run yourapp.exe using the action command:

dblsncfg -l "action='RUN yourapp.exe';"

The PilotMain routine of the target application should take a string as the command block.


When running the Listener configuration utility on a Windows desktop to generate a configuration file for the Palm device, you must specify the RUN action command. However, on a Palm device you can delete the RUN action command using the Handler Editor in the Listener. This method allows you to consume messages without initiating an action.

See also