-sl dnet option

Sets the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) options and forces the CLR to load on startup.

mlsrv11 -c "connection-string" -sl dnet options ...

Sets options to pass directly to the .NET CLR. The options are:

Option Description

Set an environment variable. For example,

-Dsynchtype=far -Dextra_rows=yes

For more information, see the .NET framework class System.Environment.

-MLAutoLoadPath=path Set the location of base assemblies. Only works with private assemblies. To tell MobiLink where assemblies are located, use this option or -MLDomConfigFile, but not both. When you use -MLAutoLoadPath, you cannot specify a domain in the event script. The default is the current directory.
-MLDomConfigFile=file Set the location of base assemblies. Use when you have shared assemblies, or you don't want to load all assemblies in the directory, or you can't use MLAutoLoadPath for some other reason. To tell MobiLink where assemblies are located, use -MLDomConfigFile or -MLAutoLoadPath, but not both.



At server startup, load and instantiate user-defined start classes in the order listed.
-clrConGC Enable concurrent garbage collection in the CLR.
-clrFlavor=( wks | svr ) Flavor of the .NET CLR to load. The flavor is svr for server and wks for workstation. By default, wks is loaded.
-clrVersion=version Version of the .NET CLR to load. This must be prefixed with v. For example, v1.0.3705 loads the directory \Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.0.3705.

To display this list of options, run the following command:

mlsrv11 -sl dnet (?)
See also