Monitoring resources

In the Monitor, the Monitoring tab provides an overview of the health and availability of the MobiLink servers being monitored.

Monitoring tab

The top pane contains a table that lists the resources that are being monitored. A resource is a MobiLink server. This table also indicates whether the resources are currently running and whether they require a user to perform any actions on them. See Interpreting resource states and status.

The bottom pane of the Monitoring tab contains the alerts and a variety of current metrics for the selected MobiLink server. Most of these tabs contain links to graphs. You can change the range of the graphs with the dropdown list and arrows at the top right of each graph.

Administration tab

The Administration tab is reserved for administrators. On it, you can select the MobiLink servers that you want to monitor, add and edit users, and configure the Monitor.

The Monitor with the Administration tab open.
See also

Interpreting resource states and status
Monitor metrics
Metric tab descriptions
Delete old Monitor metrics