-nba option

Sets the server download acknowledgement mode of operation.

mlsrv11 -c "connection-string" -nba{ + | - } ...

When you specify download acknowledgement, you can choose one of two modes: non-blocking (the default, set by -nba+) or blocking (set by -nba-). Blocking download acknowledgement (-nba-) has been deprecated. Use non-blocking whenever possible.

Non-blocking download acknowledgement is recommended because it provides a significant performance advantage over blocking download acknowledgement. However, non-blocking download acknowledgement cannot be used in the following case:

  • Clients prior to 10.0.0 do not support non-blocking acknowledgement.

When you enable QAnywhere messaging with the mlsrv11 -m option, you can not use blocking download acknowledgement. You cannot specify both -m and -nba-.

See also