Deploying the web extension files and State Manager

To deploy the Relay Server files
  1. Copy the above files into your Apache install modules directory.

  2. Create the Relay Server configuration file rs.config. See Relay Server configuration file.

  3. Copy rs.config into the modules directory. The server module expects the rshost executable to be in the same directory where you copied the rs.config file.

  4. Set the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables to include the Apache modules directory.

  5. Edit the Apache conf/httpd.conf file.

    1. Add the following lines to load the Relay Server client and server modules:

      LoadModule iarelayserver_client_module modules/
      LoadModule iarelayserver_server_module modules/

      The client and server modules are invoked using different URLs. The client module explicitly looks for the string iarelayserver in the URL path. That part of the URL need not change.

    2. Add the following line to create a <location> section for the client module:

      <LocationMatch /cli/iarelayserver/* >
          SetHandler iarelayserver-client-handler
    3. Add the following line to create a <location> section for the server module:

      <Location /srv/iarelayserver/* >
          SetHandler iarelayserver-server-handler
          RSConfigFile "/<apache-install>/modules/rs.config"

      You must specify an RSConfigFile directive which specifies the location of the Relay Server configuration file, rs.config. The rs.config file must reside in the same directory where the rshost executable is deployed.

    4. If the TimeOut directive is set, ensure it is set to at least 60 seconds.

  6. On Linux, if any of the following environment variables are set globally when Apache spawns a process, then there is nothing further needed for the configuration of Apache: $TMP, $TMPDIR or $TEMP.

    If any of the above environment variables are not set globally, or if you want the default Relay Server log file to go in a specific temporary directory (for example, when the State Manager is started automatically but without customizations), then edit the file /<apache-dir>/bin/envvars to set and then export TMP.

    For example, to edit $TMP in the envvars file, do the following:

    set TMP="/tmp"
    export TMP

    This sets the environment variable in the shell that Apache creates before it spawns its processes.


    In all cases, the Apache user process must have write permissions to the tmp directory location you choose.