Relay Server State Manager

The Relay Server State Manager is a process that is responsible for maintaining Relay Server state information across client requests and Outbound Enabler sessions. The State Manager is also responsible for managing the log file used by the Relay Server. The State Manager can either be started automatically by the Relay Server or started as a Windows service (on Windows only).

The default log file name is ias_relay_server_host.log. On Windows, this file is located in the directory specified by the TEMP environment variable. On Linux, the file is located in the directory specified by the TMP, TEMP, or TMPDIR environment variables. If none of those variables are set, a log file is created on the root.


In all cases, the Apache user process must have write permissions to the tmp directory location you choose.

On a graceful shutdown, the State Manager renames the log file to a file of the form <yymmdd><nn>.log where <yymmdd> represents the date on which the log file was renamed and <nn> is the sequential version number of the log file for that day.

Starting the State Manager as a Windows service is the recommended method. Note that starting the State Manager manually on a command line is not supported.

It is possible to specify the options that are used by the Relay Server to start the State Manager. To change the options, set the start property in the options section of the Relay Server configuration file. For example:

start = "rshost -o c:\temp\myrshost.log"

Note that you must specify the name of the Relay Server State Manager executable (rshost) before the options.

Starting the Relay Server State Manager as a Windows service
Starting the Relay Server State Manager automatically
Starting the Relay Server State Manager automatically with customized options
Relay Server State Manager command line syntax