Using the Relay Server hosting service

The following sections describe how to perform some basic tasks.

Subscribing to the Relay Server hosting service

To use the Sybase Relay Server hosting service you must first subscribe to it.

To subscribe to the Sybase Relay Server hosting service
  1. From your web browser, go to [external link] This takes you to the Sybase Relay Server hosting service home page.

  2. Create an account by clicking Register.

  3. You are asked to specify a Subscription ID (choose one that is unique to your organization) and Password, provide contact information for your self and your organization, and agree to the Hosted Relay Service Terms of Service. Click Submit.

    Once you have successfully registered, an email is sent to you confirming your registration.

Logging in to the Relay Server hosting service
To log in to the Relay Server hosting service
  1. Log in to your newly created account by clicking Log In.

  2. Enter the Subscription ID and Password you entered during the registration process. Once logged in, you are taken to the Account Information page. The account information page allows you to modify subscriber information and specify the back-end server farm(s) that will be accessing this service.

Adding a server farm
To add a server farm
  1. Click Add New Farm.

  2. Enter a unique Farm Name to describe the server farm.

  3. Choose a Type from the dropdown list.

  4. Provide a unique name for each server in the farm. You can specify a maximum of two servers.

  5. Click Create Farm. A confirmation is displayed if the farm was successfully added.

  6. Click Configuration Instructions to learn more about using the service. The instructions are based on the information you provided.

  7. Click Log Out when you are done.