Handling MobiLink server errors with .NET

When scanning the log is not enough, you can monitor your applications programmatically. For example, you can send messages of a certain type in an email.

You can write methods that are passed a class representing every error or warning message that is printed to the log. This may help you monitor and audit a MobiLink server.

The following code installs a listener for all error messages and prints the information to a StreamWriter.

class TestLogListener {
    public TestLogListener(StreamWriter output_file) {
        _output_file    = output_file;

    public void errCallback(ServerContext sc, LogMessage lm) {
        string type;
        string user;
        if (lm.Type == LogMessage.MessageType.ERROR) {
            type = "ERROR";
        } else if (lm.Type==LogMessage.MessageType.WARNING) {
            type = "WARNING";
        else {
            type = "INVALID TYPE!!";
        if (lm.User == null) {
            user = "null";
        else {
            user = lm.User;

        _output_file.WriteLine("Caught msg type=" + type
            + " user=" + user
            + " text=" + lm.Text);
      StreamWriter _output_file;

The following code registers the TestLogListener. Call this code from somewhere that has access to the ServerContext such as a class constructor or synchronization script.

// ServerContext serv_context;
TestLogListener etll = new TestLogListener(log_listener_file);
serv_context.ErrorListener += new LogCallback(etll.errCallback);
See also