GetUploadedTableByName method

UploadedTableData GetUploadedTableByName(
   string table-name);

Gets the named Uploaded table data in this uploaded transaction. Returns null if there is no table in this transaction with the given name.

  • table-name   Name of the table for which you want the uploaded data.


Uploaded data for the given table name or null if not found.


Assume you use a method called HandleUpload for the handle_UploadData synchronization event. The following example uses the GetUploadedTableByName method to return an UploadedTableData instance for the remoteOrders table.

// The method used for the handle_UploadData event.
public void HandleUpload(UploadData ut) {
    UploadedTableData uploaded_t1 = ut.GetUploadedTableByName("remoteOrders");
    // ...