SQL Anywhere consolidated database

Setting up SQL Anywhere as a consolidated database

To set up SQL Anywhere to work as a MobiLink consolidated database, you must run a setup procedure that adds MobiLink system tables, stored procedures, triggers, and views that are required for MobiLink synchronization. There are multiple ways you can do this:

  • Run the syncsa.sql setup script, located in install-dir\MobiLink\setup.

  • In the MobiLink plug-in for Sybase Central, choose Mode » Admin and connect to your server database. Right-click the database name and choose Check MobiLink System Setup. If your database requires setup, you are prompted to continue.

  • When you use the Create Synchronization Model Wizard or Deploy Synchronization Model Wizard, system setup is checked when you connect to your server database. If your database requires setup, you are prompted to continue.


The database user who runs the setup script is the only user who has permission to change the MobiLink system tables, which is required for configuring MobiLink applications. See Required permissions.

The RDBMS user that the MobiLink server uses to connect to the consolidated database must be able to able to use the MobiLink system tables, procedures, and so on, without any qualifiers (for example, SELECT * from ml_user). See MobiLink server system tables.

Setting up the ODBC driver

You must set up an ODBC DSN for your SQL Anywhere consolidated database. The ODBC driver for SQL Anywhere is installed with SQL Anywhere.

For information about the SQL Anywhere ODBC driver, see Creating ODBC data sources.

Isolation level

See MobiLink isolation levels.