DBParameterCollection class

class DBParameterCollection
inherits from IDataParameterCollection, IList, ICollection, IEnumerable
Member of iAnywhere.MobiLink.Script

Collection of DBParameters. When DBCommand creates a DBParameterCollection it is empty and must be filled with appropriate parameters before the DBCommand executes.

DBParameterCollection method
Contains( string parameterName ) method
IndexOf( string parameterName ) method
RemoveAt( string parameterName ) method
Add( object value ) method
Clear method
Contains( object value ) method
IndexOf( object value ) method
Insert( int index, object value ) method
Remove( object value ) method
RemoveAt( int index) method
CopyTo(Array array, int index) method
GetEnumerator method
IsFixedSize property
IsReadOnly property
Count property
IsSynchronized property
SyncRoot property
this[ string parameterName ] property
this[ int index ] property