
An alert is a condition or state of interest that should be brought to an administrator's or operator's attention. Alerts include information about the cause of the problem, and provide advice for resolving the problem.

There are several predefined alerts for conditions such as low disk space, critical software updates, failed login attempts, and high memory usage. When an alert condition is met, the alert is listed in the bottom pane on the Monitoring tab. In the top pane, the MobiLink server Status changes to indicate that an alert exists. You can configure the Monitor to send an email to operators and administrators when an alert occurs. See Send alert emails.

Alerts are detected by the Monitor based on metrics that are collected. They are not detected at the MobiLink server being monitored. You can change the default threshold values and choose which alerts are enabled by editing the resource. See Monitor metrics.

View alerts
Resolve alerts
Delete alerts
Send alert emails
Suppress alerts for unsubmitted error reports from resources