-os option

Specifies a maximum size for the dbmlsync message log file, at which point the log is renamed.

dbmlsync -os size [ K | M | G ]...

The size is the maximum file size for logging output messages, specified in units of bytes. Use the suffix k, m or g to specify units of kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes, respectively. By default, there is no size limit. The minimum size limit is 10K.

Before the dbmlsync utility logs output messages to a file, it checks the current file size. If the log message makes the file size exceed the specified size, the dbmlsync utility renames the output file to yymmddxx.dbr, where yymmdd represents the year, month, and day, and xx are sequential characters ranging from AA to ZZ.

This option allows you to manually delete old log files and free up disk space.

See also