-e option

Specifies extended options.

dbmlsync -e extended-option=value; ...
adr cd cr ctp dbs dir drs ds eh el ft hrt inc isc lt mem mn mp p pp sa sc sch scn st sv toc tor uo v vn vm vo vr vs vu

Extended options can be specified by their long form or short form.

See MobiLink SQL Anywhere client extended options.


Options specified on the command line with the -e option apply to all synchronizations requested on the command line. For example, in the following command line the extended option sv=test applies to the synchronization of both pub1 and pub2.

dbmlsync -e "sv=test" -n pub1 -n pub2

You can review extended options in the dbmlsync message log and the SYSSYNC system view.

To specify extended options for a single upload, use the -eu option.

See also

The following dbmlsync command line illustrates how you can set extended options when you start dbmlsync:

dbmlsync -e "adr=host=localhost;dir=c:\db\logs"...