Running MobiLink on Mac OS X

You can run the MobiLink server and the SQL Anywhere MobiLink client on Mac OS X. You cannot run UltraLite on Mac OS X.

To synchronize a MobiLink consolidated database on Mac OS X, you can use the SQL Anywhere ODBC driver as the driver manager. See Create an ODBC data source on Mac OS X.

To start the MobiLink server on Mac OS X
  1. Start SyncConsole.

    In the Finder, double-click SyncConsole. The SyncConsole application is located in /Applications/SQLAnywhere11.

  2. Choose File » New » MobiLink Server.

  3. Configure the MobiLink server:

    1. In the Connection Parameters field, enter the following string:


      The dsn-name is a SQL Anywhere ODBC Data Source name. For information on creating ODBC data sources, see Setting environment variables on Unix and Mac OS X.

      If dsn-name has spaces, surround the string with double quotes. For example:

      dsn="SQL Anywhere 11 Demo"
    2. Set options in the Options field, if desired.

      The Options field allows you to control many aspects of MobiLink server behavior. For a complete list of options, see mlsrv11 syntax.

  4. Click Start to start the MobiLink server.

    The database server messages window appears and displays messages, showing that the server is ready to accept synchronization requests.

To start dbmlsync on Mac OS X
  1. Start SyncConsole.

    In the Finder, double-click SyncConsole. The SyncConsole application is located in /Applications/SQLAnywhere11.

  2. Choose File » New » MobiLink Client.

    The client options window appears. It has many configuration options, which correspond to dbmlsync command line options. For a complete listing, see dbmlsync syntax.

    The options on the Login, Database, Network, and Advanced tabs all define the connection from the MobiLink client to the SQL Anywhere remote database. Often, you only need to specify an ODBC data source on the Login tab to connect.

    The options on the DBMLSync tab define aspects of the connection to the MobiLink server. If these features are defined in a remote database publication and subscription, then you can leave the options on this tab empty.

To run the sample database on Mac OS X
  1. Source the sa_config configuration script.

    For more information, see Setting environment variables on Unix and Mac OS X.

  2. Set up an ODBC data source. For example:

    dbdsn -w  "SQL Anywhere 11 Demo" 
    -c "uid=DBA;pwd=sql;dbf=/Applications/SQLAnywhere11/System/demo.db"
  3. Run the MobiLink server. For example:

    mlsrv11 -c "dsn=SQL Anywhere 11 Demo"