Sync method

Request that the dbmlsync server perform a synchronization.

DBSC_SyncHdl Sync( const char *profile_name, const char *extra_opts )

You must be connected to the server before calling this method.

At least one of profile_name and extra_opts must be non-null.

  • profile_name   The name of a synchronization profile defined in the remote database that contains the options for the synchronization. If profile_name is null then no profile is used and the extra_opts parameter should contain all the options for the synchronization.

  • extra_opts   A string formed according to the same rules used to define an option string for a synchronization profile. If profile_name is non-null then the options specified by extra_opts are added to those already in the synchronization profile specified by profile_name. If an option in the string already exists in the profile, then the value from the string replaces the value already stored in the profile. If profile_name is null then extra_opts should specify all the options for the synchronization.


Returns a DBSC_SyncHdl value which uniquely identifies this synchronization request. The returned handle is only valid until the client disconnects from the server.

Returns NULL_SYNCHDL if an error prevents the synchronization request from being created. When NULL_SYNCHDL is returned, you can call the GetErrorInfo method to get more information about the failure. See GetErrorInfo method.