
Specify a range of client ports for communication.

Support notes



Specify a low value and a high value to create a range of possible port numbers. To restrict the client to a specific port number, specify the same number for nnnnn and mmmmm. If you specify only one value, the end of the range is 100 greater than the initial value, for a total of 101 ports.

The option can be useful for clients inside a firewall communicating with a MobiLink server outside the firewall.

For information about how to set network protocol options with dbmlsync, see CommunicationAddress (adr) extended option.

For information about how to set network protocol options with UltraLite, see Network protocol options for UltraLite synchronization streams.


The following example sets a 10000 port range of allowable client ports.

On a SQL Anywhere client, the implementation is:

dbmlsync -e "adr=client_port=10000-19999"

In an UltraLite application written in embedded SQL or C++, the implementation is:

synch_info.stream_parms = TEXT("client_port=10000-19999");