Setting remote IDs

The remote ID uniquely identifies a remote database in a MobiLink synchronization system. When a SQL Anywhere database is created, the remote ID is null. When the database synchronizes with MobiLink, MobiLink checks for a null remote ID and if it finds one, it assigns a GUID as the remote ID. Once set, the database maintains the same remote ID unless it is manually changed.

If you are going to reference remote IDs in MobiLink event scripts or elsewhere, you may want to change the remote ID to a more meaningful name. To do this, you set the ml_remote_id database option for the remote database. The ml_remote_id option is a user-defined option that is stored in the SYSOPTION system table. You can change it using the SET OPTION statement or using the SQL Anywhere plug-in to Sybase Central.

The remote ID must be unique within your synchronization system.

For more information about changing database options, see:


The safest time to change the remote ID is before the first synchronization. If you change it later, be sure you have performed a complete, successful synchronization just before changing the remote ID. Otherwise you may lose data and put your database into an inconsistent state.

See also

The following SQL statement sets the remote ID to the value HR001:

SET OPTION PUBLIC.ml_remote_id = 'HR001'