Monitoring statistics using Sybase Central Performance Monitor

The Sybase Central Performance Monitor is useful for tracking details about database server actions, including disk and memory access. The Sybase Central Performance Monitor can graph statistics for any SQL Anywhere database server to which you can connect.

Features of the Sybase Central Performance Monitor include:

  • Real-time updates (at adjustable intervals)

  • A color-coded and resizable legend

  • Configurable appearance properties

The Sybase Central Performance Monitor queries the database to gather its statistics. This can affect some statistics such as Cache Reads/sec. If you do not want your statistics to be affected by monitoring, you can use the Windows Performance Monitor instead. See Monitor statistics using Windows Performance Monitor.

If you run multiple versions of SQL Anywhere simultaneously, you can also run multiple versions of the Performance Monitor simultaneously.

For a complete listing of the SQL Anywhere statistics available for monitoring, see Performance Monitor statistics.