Joins resulting from apply expressions

An apply expression is an easy way to specify joins where the right side is dependent upon the left. For example, use an apply expression to evaluate a procedure or derived table once for each row in a table expression. Apply expressions are placed in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement, and do not permit the use of an ON clause.

An APPLY combines rows from multiple sources, similar to a JOIN except that you cannot specify an ON condition for APPLY. The main difference between an APPLY and a JOIN is that the right side of an APPLY can change depending on the current row from the left side. For each row on the left side, the right side is recalculated and the resulting rows are joined with the row on the left. In the case where a row on the left side returns more than one row on the right, the left side is duplicated in the results as many times as there are rows returned from the right.

There are two types of APPLY you can specify: CROSS APPLY and OUTER APPLY. CROSS APPLY returns only rows on the left side that produce results on the right side. OUTER APPLY returns all rows that a CROSS APPLY returns, plus all rows on the left side for which the right side does not return rows (by supplying NULLs for the right side).

The syntax of an apply expression is as follows:

table-expression { CROSS | OUTER } APPLY table-expression

The following example creates a procedure, EmployeesWithHighSalary, which takes as input a department ID, and returns the names of all employees in that department with salaries greater than $80,000.

CREATE PROCEDURE EmployeesWithHighSalary( IN dept INTEGER )
    SELECT E.GivenName || ' ' || E.Surname 
        FROM Employees E
        WHERE E.DepartmentID = dept AND E.Salary > 80000;

The following query uses OUTER APPLY to join the Departments table to the results of the EmployeesWithHighSalary procedure, and return the names of all employees with salary greater than $80,000 in each department. The query returns rows with NULL on the right side, indicating that there were no employees with salaries over $80,000 in the respective departments.

SELECT D.DepartmentName, HS.Name
    FROM Departments D
    OUTER APPLY EmployeesWithHighSalary( D.DepartmentID ) AS HS;
DepartmentName Name
R & D Kim Lull
R & D David Scott
R & D John Sheffield
Sales Moira Kelly
Finance Mary Anne Shea
Marketing NULL
Shipping NULL

The next query uses a CROSS APPLY to join the Departments table to the results of the EmployeesWithHighSalary procedure. Note that rows with NULL on the right side are not included.

SELECT D.DepartmentName, HS.Name
    FROM Departments D
    CROSS APPLY EmployeesWithHighSalary( D.DepartmentID ) AS HS;
DepartmentName Name
R & D Kim Lull
R & D David Scott
R & D John Sheffield
Sales Moira Kelly
Finance Mary Anne Shea

The next query returns the same results as the previous query, but uses a derived table as the right side of the CROSS APPLY.

SELECT D.DepartmentName, HS.Name
   FROM Departments D
        SELECT E.GivenName || ' ' || E.Surname
            FROM Employees E
            WHERE E.DepartmentID = D.DepartmentID AND E.Salary > 80000
    ) HS( Name );
See also