xp_msver system procedure

Retrieves version and name information about the database server.

xp_msver( string )
  • string   The string must be one of the following, enclosed in string delimiters.

    Argument Description
    ProductName The name of the product (SQL Anywhere).
    ProductVersion The version number, followed by the build number. The format is as follows:
    CompanyName Returns the following string:
    iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.
    FileDescription Returns the name of the product, followed by the name of the operating system.
    LegalCopyright Returns a copyright string for the software.
    LegalTrademarks Returns trademark information for the software.


xp_msver returns product, company, version, and other information.



See also

The following statement requests the version and operating system description:

SELECT xp_msver( 'ProductVersion') Version,
   xp_msver( 'FileDescription' ) Description;

Sample output is as follows. The value for Version will likely be different on your system.

Version Description SQL Anywhere Windows XP