SYSCOLAUTH consolidated view

Each row in the SYSCOLAUTH view describes the set of privileges (UPDATE, SELECT, or REFERENCES) granted on a column. The SYSCOLAUTH view provides a user-friendly presentation of data in the SYSCOLPERM system view.

The tables and columns that make up this view are provided in the SQL statement below. To learn more about a particular table or column, use the links provided beneath the view definition.

ALTER VIEW "SYS"."SYSCOLAUTH"( grantor,grantee,creator,tname,colname,
  privilege_type,is_grantable ) 
  as select u1.user_name,u2.user_name,u3.user_name,tab.table_name,
    from SYS.ISYSCOLPERM as cp
      join SYS.ISYSUSER as u1 on u1.user_id = cp.grantor
      join SYS.ISYSUSER as u2 on u2.user_id = cp.grantee
      join SYS.ISYSTAB as tab on tab.table_id = cp.table_id
      join SYS.ISYSUSER as u3 on u3.user_id = tab.creator
      join SYS.ISYSTABCOL as col on col.table_id = cp.table_id
      and col.column_id = cp.column_id;
See also