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SYSUSERTYPE system view

Each row in the SYSUSERTYPE system view holds a description of a user-defined data type. The underlying system table for this view is ISYSUSERTYPE.

Column name Column type Description
type_id SMALLINT A unique identifying number for the user-defined data type.
creator UNSIGNED INT The user number of the owner of the data type.
domain_id SMALLINT The data type on which this user defined data type is based, indicated by a data type number listed in the SYSDOMAIN system view.
nulls CHAR(1) Whether the user-defined data type allows nulls. Possible values are Y, N, or U. A value of U indicates that nullability is unspecified.
width UNSIGNED INT The length of a string column, the precision of a numeric column, or the number of bytes of storage for any other data type.
scale SMALLINT The number of digits after the decimal point for numeric data type columns, and zero for all other data types.
type_name CHAR(128) The name for the data type.
"default" LONG VARCHAR The default value for the data type.
"check" LONG VARCHAR The CHECK condition for the data type.
Constraints on underlying system table

PRIMARY KEY (type_id)

FOREIGN KEY (creator) references SYS.ISYSUSER (user_id)

FOREIGN KEY (domain_id) references SYS.ISYSDOMAIN (domain_id)