SYSPROCEDURE system view

Each row in the SYSPROCEDURE system view describes one procedure in the database. The underlying system table for this view is ISYSPROCEDURE.

Column name Column type Description
proc_id UNSIGNED INT Each procedure is assigned a unique number (the procedure number).
creator UNSIGNED INT The owner of the procedure.
object_id UNSIGNED BIGINT The internal ID for the procedure, uniquely identifying it in the database.
proc_name CHAR(128) The name of the procedure. One creator cannot have two procedures with the same name.
proc_defn LONG VARCHAR The definition of the procedure.
remarks LONG VARCHAR Remarks about the procedure. This value is stored in the ISYSREMARK system table.
replicate CHAR(1) Indicates whether the procedure is a primary data source in a Replication Server installation.
srvid UNSIGNED INT If the procedure is a proxy for a procedure on a remote database server, indicates the remote server.
source LONG VARCHAR The preserved source for the procedure. This value is stored in the ISYSSOURCE system table.
avg_num_rows FLOAT Information collected for use in query optimization when the procedure appears in the FROM clause.
avg_cost FLOAT Information collected for use in query optimization when the procedure appears in the FROM clause.
stats LONG BINARY Information collected for use in query optimization when the procedure appears in the FROM clause.
Constraints on underlying system table

PRIMARY KEY (proc_id)

FOREIGN KEY (srvid) references SYS.ISYSSERVER (srvid)

FOREIGN KEY (object_id) references SYS.ISYSOBJECT (object_id) MATCH UNIQUE FULL

FOREIGN KEY (creator) references SYS.ISYSUSER (user_id)