sa_refresh_materialized_views system procedure

Initializes all materialized views that are in an uninitialized state.

sa_refresh_materialized_views( [ ignore_errors ] )
  • ignore_errors   Use this optional INTEGER parameter to specify whether to return errors during the recompilation. If you specify 0, an error is returned for each view for which column definition failed. If you specify 1, or any value other than 0, no errors are returned. If no value is specified, 0 is used by default.


A materialized view may be in an uninitialized state because it has just been created, has just been re-enabled, or the last attempt to initialize or refresh it failed due to an error. The sa_refresh_materialized_views system procedure scans the database for all such materialized views and attempts to initialize them. If the procedure encounters an error initializing a materialized view, it continues on attempting to process the remaining uninitialized views.

You can also use the REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW statement to initialize a materialized view.


DBA authority

Side effects


See also