sa_migrate_data system procedure

Migrates data from the remote database tables to the target SQL Anywhere database.

sa_migrate_data( i_table_owner )
  • i_table_owner   Use this VARCHAR(128) parameter to specify the user on the target SQL Anywhere database who owns the migrated tables. This user is created using the GRANT CONNECT statement. A value is required for this parameter. See GRANT statement.


This procedure migrates the data from the remote database to the SQL Anywhere database for tables belonging to the user specified by the i_table_owner argument.

When the tables on the target SQL Anywhere database do not all have the same owner, you must execute this procedure for each user whose tables have data that you want to migrate.

As an alternative, you can migrate all tables in one step using the sa_migrate system procedure.

This system procedure is used in conjunction with several other migration system procedures. The note in the Remarks section of the sa_migrate_create_fks system procedure contains the list of migrate procedures, and the order in which you must execute them. See sa_migrate_create_fks system procedure.



Side effects


See also

The following statement migrates data to the target SQL Anywhere database for tables that belong to the user local_a.

CALL sa_migrate_data( 'local_a' );