Use this statement to assign an alternate login name and password to be used when communicating with a remote server.

TO remote-server
[ REMOTE LOGIN remote-user [ IDENTIFIED BY remote-password ] ]
  • login-name   specifies the local user login name. When using integrated logins, the login-name is the database user to which the Windows user or group is mapped.

  • TO clause   The TO clause specifies the name of the remote server.

  • REMOTE LOGIN clause   The REMOTE LOGIN clause specifies the user account on remote-server for the local user login-name.

  • IDENTIFIED BY clause   The IDENTIFIED BY clause specifies the remote-password for remote-user. The remote-user and remote-password combination must be valid on the remote-server.

    If you omit the IDENTIFIED BY clause, the password is sent to the remote server as NULL. However, if you specify IDENTIFIED BY "" (an empty string), then the password sent is the empty string.


By default, SQL Anywhere uses the names and passwords of its clients whenever it connects to a remote server on behalf of those clients. CREATE EXTERNLOGIN assigns an alternate login name and password to be used when communicating with a remote server.

The REMOTE LOGIN clause is required only when the remote server requires a user ID and password for the connection. Having an external login without a remote login allows the DBA to control who can access the remote server and tells the remote access layer that logging in to the remote server does not require a user ID and password. For example, the directory access server class requires an external login for restricting access to the directory server, but remote login is not needed because the directory server does not perform user ID and password validation.

The password is stored internally in encrypted form. The remote-server must be known to the local server by an entry in the ISYSSERVER table. See CREATE SERVER statement.

Sites with automatic password expiration should plan for periodic updates of passwords for external logins.

CREATE EXTERNLOGIN cannot be used from within a transaction.


Only users with DBA authority can add or modify an external login for login-name.

Not supported on Windows Mobile.

Side effects

Automatic commit.

See also
Standards and compatibility
  • SQL/2003   Vendor extension.


Map the local user named DBA to the user sa with password Plankton when connecting to the server sybase1.

TO sybase1