Using transactions

By default, any change you make to the database using ADO is committed when it is executed. This includes explicit updates, and the UpdateBatch method on a Recordset. However, the previous section illustrated that you can use the BeginTrans and RollbackTrans or CommitTrans methods on the Connection object to use transactions.

The transaction isolation level is set as a property of the Connection object. The IsolationLevel property can take on one of the following values:

ADO isolation level Constant SQL Anywhere level
Unspecified adXactUnspecified Not applicable. Set to 0
Chaos adXactChaos Unsupported. Set to 0
Browse adXactBrowse 0
Read uncommitted adXactReadUncommitted 0
Cursor stability adXactCursorStability 1
Read committed adXactReadCommitted 1
Repeatable read adXactRepeatableRead 2
Isolated adXactIsolated 3
Serializable adXactSerializable 3
Snapshot 2097152 4
Statement snapshot 4194304 5
Readonly statement snapshot 8388608 6

For more information about isolation levels, see Isolation levels and consistency.