Selecting data

Once you have obtained a handle to an open connection, you can access and modify data stored in the database. Perhaps the simplest operation is to retrieve some rows and print them out.

The cursor method is used to create a cursor on the open connection. The execute method is used to create a result set. The fetchall method is used to obtain the rows in this result set.

import sqlanydb

# Create a connection object, then use it to create a cursor
con = sqlanydb.connect( userid="DBA", 
                        password="sql" )
cursor = con.cursor()

# Execute a SQL string
sql = "SELECT * FROM Employees"

# Get a cursor description which contains column names
desc = cursor.description
print len(desc)

# Fetch all results from the cursor into a sequence, 
# display the values as column name=value pairs,
# and then close the connection
rowset = cursor.fetchall()
for row in rowset:
    for col in range(len(desc)):
        print "%s=%s" % (desc[col][0], row[col] )