sqlanywhere_num_rows (deprecated)

int sqlanywhere_num_rows( resource result_identifier )

This function is deprecated. You should use the following PHP function instead: sasql_num_rows.

Returns the number of rows that the result_identifier contains.


result_identifier   The result resource returned by the sqlanywhere_query function.


A positive number if the number of rows is exact, or a negative number if it is an estimate. To get the exact number of rows, the database option row_counts must be set permanently on the database, or temporarily on the connection. See sasql_set_option.


This example shows how to retrieve the estimated number of rows returned in a result set:

$num_rows = sqlanywhere_num_rows( $result );
   if( $num_rows < 0 ) {
       $num_rows = abs( $num_rows );    # take the absolute value as an estimate
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